This dramatization of C.S. Lewis' classic work faithfully recreates the magic and mystery of Aslan, the great lion, his struggle with the White Witch, and the adventures of four children who inadvertently wander from an old wardrobe into the exciting, never-to-be-forgotten Narnia. The intense action features chases, duels, and escapes as the witch is determined to keep Narnia in her possession and to end the reign of Aslan. This story of love, faith, courage, and giving, with its triumph of good over evil, is a true celebration of life.
Aslan: Joshua Garrett
Jadis, the White Witch: Melodee M. Spevack
Peter Pevensie: Jadon Williams
Susan Pevensie: Emily Smith
Edmund Pevensie: Joseph Sosebee
Lucy Pevensie: Graceyn Williams
Mr. Beaver: David Oppenheimer
Mrs. Beaver: Annette Webb
Aethemere, the Unicorn: LeslieAnn Khoury
Oreius, the Centaur: Micah Heck
Mr. Tumnus: Dan Griswold
Maugrim, the Wolf: Rufino Pato
Ginarrbrik, the Dwarf: Josiah Sansot
Father Christmas: Jamie Smith
Oolandrin, the Elf: Sam Garrett
Sher, the White Stag: Madelyn Williams
Professor Digory Kirk: Nathan Moseley
Aslan's Followers
Norman, the Bear: Jim Gant, Sr.
Doongrum, the Raccoon: Sam Garrett
Thumpelin, the Rabbit: Evelyn Heck
Orla, the Leopard: Abbey Lawson
Yuuki, the Reindeer: Rika Ling
Muttlesnip, the Squirrel: Micah Smith
Evlet, the Badger: Sarah Beth Sosebee
Azalea, the Reindeer: Madelyn Williams
Nyla, the Deer: Madelyn Williams
Nottersox, the Fox: Nolan Williams
Brolbit, the Mole: Jacob Ziemba
Witch's Army
Vardan, the Wolf: Madelynne Brackett
Nootvarken, the Boggle: Kayden Henderson
Hamdra, the Wolf: Rebecca Loeffler
Otmin, the Minotaur: Nathan Moseley
Kharel Ichmar, the Ogre: Rufino Pato
Gekkendar, the Ghoul: Patrick Ramsey
Ashsoord, the Spectre: Jonathan Zeke Smith
Loonva, the Hag: Patricia Tyler
Vere Malum, the Cruel: Julianna Ward
Zwarte, the Hag: Susan Watson
Wood Nymphs
Ambronia: Callie Cueva
Saffronis: Lilly Kate Farrar
Laurelena: Ashley Jones
Corydalae: Hannah Sansot
Tiarella: Emi Vena
Director: Lisa Smith
Assistant Director: Linda Willaims
Choreographer: Amber Miller
Assistant Choreographer: Jubilee Chastain
Peter/Maugrim Fight Choreographer: Melodee M. Spevack
Stage Manager: Annabelle Brackett
Acting Coach: David Oppenheimer
Set Design: Robert Williams
Set Construction: Robert Williams, David Oppenheimer, Preston Welborn, Jadon Williams, Bo Webb, Madelyn Williams, LeslieAnn Khoury, Jonathan Zeke Smith, Rufino Pato, Sarah Beth Sosebee, Joseph Sosebee, Jim Gant, Sr., Joshua Garrett, Micah Heck, Lisa Smith, Philip Smith, Patricia Tyler, Katey Smith, Deangela Chastain, Hannah Sansot, Josiah Sansot,
Jacob Ziemba, Richard Ziemba, Christy Vena, Emi Vena, Graceyn Williams, Nolan Williams
Costume Design: Linda Williams, Deangela Chastain, Connie Lampe, LeslieAnn Khoury, Susan Watson
Costumes: Linda Williams, Deangela Chastain, Connie Lampe, LeslieAnn Khoury, Susan Watson, Lisa Smith, Tleshia Farrar, Abbey Lawson, Katey Smith, Katie Thompson, Annette Webb, Rebecca Loeffler, Preston Welborn, Cindy Sosebee
Creature Concept Artist: Deangela Chastain
Properties: Chris Bryant
Lighting Design: Joshua Brackett
Lighting Technician: Preston Welborn
Spotlight Operator: Clark Ivie
Sound Design: Joshua Brackett
Sound Technician: Amy Smith
Backstage Volunteer Coordinator: Tleshia Farrar
Photography: Daniel Purcell
Preshow Greeting and Voiceover Recordings: Michael McConnohie
Lobby Display: Annette Webb, Bo Webb, LeslieAnn Khoury, Tleshia Farrar
Poster Design: Linda Williams
Playbill: Linda Williams
Box Office: Mary Decker
Concessions: Rufino Pato
Volunteer Coordinator: Samantha Irvin
April 20, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 21, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 22, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 23, 2022 at 2:00 pm
April 23, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 24, 2022 at 2:00 pm
April 27, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 28, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 29, 2022 at 7:30 pm
April 30, 2022 at 2:00 pm
April 30, 2022 at 7:30 pm
May 1, 2022 at 2:00 pm